June 2020 F.A.R.M. Club Newsletter


Hello everyone!

First I would like to announce that Chris Rolke is our third Club director, along with Garrett Guard and with Jesse Coursen as the Club President.

The Directors had a meeting to discuss the Club show “Old Machinery Days”. With all of the uncertainties with the Corona Virus, the directors have decided to have a 2-day show instead of a four-day show.  The dates are Saturday September 19th and Sunday September 20th. This will consist of nothing but tractor pulling. There will still be plow classes and garden tractor pulls, along with the cultivator class. This will be a members only show.


More information to come and will be in the next newsletter.




The 4th of July Parade at Otterbein has been Cancelled.


As of right now the fourth of July parade in Lebanon will still go on. It will be on July 3rd at 4pm. If you plan to participate please let me know no later than June 25th. There is a form that I need filled out and send in. There will be restrictions and there will be NO CANDY GIVEN OUT!


Our next Club meeting will be July 12th at 6pm at Oeders Lake, back at the picnic area. Bring your lawn chairs.


If you have any questions, please contact one of our directors:


Jesse Coursen: 513-582-0941 or shovelkid@gmail.com

Garrett Guard: 513-313-5545 or filterferrytwo@gmail.com

Chris Rolke: 513-236-8053 or cjrolke@fuse.net

Dave Siebert, treasurer: 937-603-4233 or davesiebert77@gmail.com

Regina Flynn, Secretary: 513-266-7414 or flynn_regina@yahoo.com

Jim Hurst has also volunteered to answer questions at 513-623-4183



Club Secretary